The configuration of the extension to setup and control some of the features of the booking system.
General Configuration
Cancel Pending Booking – Default 30
The maximum number of minutes allowed for the customer to complete a PayPal payment once the booking has reached the Pending status.
If the payment is not complete before this time limit then the reserved services, time and group slots will be made available again for other customers to book.
Single County Booking
Limit bookings to a single country or allow bookings from any of the listed counties.
Remove Time Slot after Booking
No – if multiple services share the same start time and one service is booked the other services remain available for booking.
Yes - if multiple services share the same start time and one service is booked then other services will un-publish at that booked time. This is ideal if you wish to use the services as options.
Example – a sports hall could be booked for difference activities with difference prices, but there is only one resource the one sports hall, once it has been booked for a chosen activity then there is no remaining capacity for the other activities.
Select Country
The default country that displays under Client Details.
Notification Email
The email address that the notifications show as sent from.
Notification Name
The name shown to which emails notifications are sent from.
Time Stamp
The option to display a time & date stamp at the top of the public booking selection. I great tool when setting up, allowing you to check that the website time matches your local time.
Once all is working correctly most admin will choose to turn it off.
To take online payment you need an active PayPal business account.
Set as ’No’ for live website bookings. If you wish to test your website, then there is the option of using PayPal’s Sandbox which allow you to test things without using real money.
Sandbox merchant
If you wish to test things using Sandbox then enter the email address that is registered for the Sandbox account.
Merchant ID
To take real PayPal payments either enter the registered email address or merchant id number.
Select the currency you wish to use to take payments.
Currency Symbol
Enter the currency symbol that represents your chosen currency.
Success URL (optional)
An option to add the URL of a page where customers are returned to upon making a payment. Ideal if you wish to set an analytics goal.
If you wish to use Google Analytics to track the booking from landing on you website to completing the booking then add ?utm_nooverride=1 to the end of your URL, this will ensure that transactions (i.e. conversions) are credited to the original traffic source, rather than PayPal. >
Cancelation URL (optional)
An option to add the URL of a page where customers are returned to if a payment in not completed.
Secure POST
If enabled, the extension will use secure (SSL) IPN post-backs. For https websites, the server must allow SSL connections to PayPal for this option to work.
PayPal Username, PayPal Password, PayPal Signature
Required if setting up PayPal API, this allows some functions to work such as the option to refund bookings. Read our guide on setting this up.
PayPal Call Back Text (optional)
What the button on the PayPal site reads after the user has completed his transaction. Leave empty for the default 'Return to the merchant website' text.
Custom Header Image (optional)
The URL to your logo. This image will be displayed on the top of PayPal's checkout page instead of your merchant name. WARNING! It must be an HTTPS URL or your clients will receive warnings about insecure content.
Header Background Color (optional)
(optional) The hex-code of your PayPal checkout page's header, e.g. FFFFFF for white (note: place no # in front the hex value)
Header Border Color (optional)
The hex-code of your PayPal checkout page's header border, e.g. FFFFFF for white (note: place no # in front the hex value)
SEO Settings
A simple way to have control over the Page Title, Page Description, Keywords and Generator.
There is also a dropdown option called ’Robots’ this simply allows or prevents the SEO bots access to the page.
We recommend these are filled out to keep your website optimised for the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Manage the Joomla permission settings for the user groups.
Further control of ACL for the different features of the extension can be accessed under the title 'Manage Permissions' in the extension menu.