When adding or editing a service there are various settings and options.

The database identification number.

Services can be Published or unpublished.

Double Booking
Yes or No.
If Yes then bookings can be taken for the same service at that time & date until the Multiple Count limit is met.
If no then only one booking can be taken for this service at that time & date.

Multi Chargeable
Yes or No.
If yes each person making up the group will be charged a fee.
If No then the group will be charged a single price, no matter what the group size is.

Service Capacity
The maximum number of clients that can be booked for this service.

Add a price and a label.
A service must has a master price and can have up to 5 sub prices, ideal for variations in the group (adult, child, Student, ect.).

The name of the service.

Minimum Group
The minimum number of people that can book this service. You may not wish to take bookings unless a group has reached a particular size.

Maximum Group
The maximum group size a booking can be for a service. Often the Multiple Count and the Maximum Group size will be the same. The Maximum Group cannot be higher than the Multiple Count.

Publish Start Date
The date that the service will be published for the public to see and book.

Publish End Date (optional)
The date that the service will be unpublished. The public will not be able to see or book the service after this date.

Expire Point
The number of minutes the service will un-publish before the start time. Prevents last minute bookings.

Generated Dates
The number of days into the future that the service will generate dates.

Notes (optional)
Notes for the admin (not the public).


The pattern to which dates will be automatically generated. If left bank it is possible to add dates manually, ideal if your service does not follow a regular pattern.

Select which months the service is available on.

Select which days of the week the service is available on.

Select which times the service will start each day. Times should be added manually.

To adjust the order of the listed times click the ‘Ordering’ title of the main table. Arrows will appear and then you can adjust as required. The table order will affect how the public see the order of the services.


The booking system has been under development for many years. We have kept a log of the changes to show how things have advanced.


Our small international team meet online to design and develop the extension. We use ‘Trello’ to keep organised and meet our goals.


The extension is simple and intuitive to use, but we also have documentation and a video series to show you exactly how things work.