Services must have a start time. A service can have as many start times with a 24-hour period as required.

Each start time that is associated to a service has its own group capacity and can be thought of as a product.
Once you have added the required times they can be associated to a service from within the individual services or by using the manual dates feature.

Adding a time
From the dashboard open the Working Times and click the ‘New’ button., fill out the details and save & close.

The database identification number.

The label that will be displayed. Normally this will be the time (example – 2pm), but it can be any text so if needed you could have the label ‘Morning’.

To select the required time click the ‘Edit’ icon and then use the selection feature to choose the hour and minutes.

To adjust the order of the listed times click the ‘Ordering’ title of the main table. Arrows will appear and then you can adjust as required. The table order will affect how the public see the order of the times.


The booking system has been under development for many years. We have kept a log of the changes to show how things have advanced.


Our small international team meet online to design and develop the extension. We use ‘Trello’ to keep organised and meet our goals.


The extension is simple and intuitive to use, but we also have documentation and a video series to show you exactly how things work.